Due diligence is the process of research and analysis on an organization that is done in preparation for a business transaction. That transaction may be an investment, partnership, merger or acquisition, among others. The extent of research and analysis required varies based on the level of risk perceived by the party seeking due diligence which relates to the value of the transaction and the overall potential impact to that party's business. Some of the key analyses involved in performing due diligence are financial, operational, legal, market, customer, product/service and competitor.

Jordan Ridge's strategy, marketing, product and business development experience and capabilities will provide you with the information and risk profile that you need to make your business decision. While most companies have personnel capable of performing financial and some operational analyses, and lawyers to evaluate legal matters, many do not have the strategy, marketing and customer experience (business development, sales and partnering), or the time, to properly review their business candidate. Let Jordan Ridge consultants perform that work and provide you with the concise information that you need.

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